Contemplative woman standing and looking out the window while holding a coffee cup.

A simple, supportive approach to mental health care

Find a therapist who fits your needs and takes your insurance.

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Paying with your insurance?

On average, people who find care through Alma save 77% on the cost of therapy sessions.


  • Affordable sessions

    Alma clients who use their insurance save an average of 77% on the cost of therapy.

  • Simple search process

    Alma connects you with a diverse community of therapists who specialize in anxiety, depression, personal growth, relationships, and more.

  • High-quality care

    Therapists at Alma have access to resources like continuing education and professional development to ensure you receive the best possible care.

Find a therapist who gets you.

The connection between you and your therapist matters. Sessions are more impactful when you feel safe and understood — which is why we care so much about finding you the right fit.



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See how Alma can help you grow a thriving private practice.

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